On December 11, 2008, Gregory Klees, Firearms and Toolmark
Examiner, Forensic Science Laboratory-Washington (FSL-W) and Chair of the
Scientific Working Group of Firearm and Toolmarks (SWWGUN) was a speaker and
panel participant at the New York Commission on Forensic Science conference in
New York City.
Mr. Klees represented and supported the Firearms and Toolmark
Identification forensic discipline. Mr. Klees’ participation included a
presentation entitled “The Science and Reliability of Firearms and Toolmark
Identification” followed by a panel discussion on the current Daubert rulings in
the Firearms and Toolmark discipline.
Those providing an opposing view of this discipline were noted
defense attorneys including Mr. Barry Scheck from the Innocence Project. The
conference was sponsored by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice
Mr. Klees presentation to the commission can be viewed in the video window below.
The entire meeting webcast can be viewed
by clicking the link below.